Map of Brazil with main rock groups, karst areas, and formations with obligatory cave-dwelling species. Threats are indicated by letters as follows: A Minig B Reservoir construction C Deforestation for pastures D Deforestation for agriculture E Pollution of subterranean drainages F Tourism G Land conflict H Road construction, I Lowering of water table J Small hydroelectric power station buildings, K Pesticides L Natural gas and oil exploration. For Bambuí group, we grouped as follows (see Table 1 for distinction): Mambaí region - Mambaí and Posse municipalities; Distrito Federal region - Distrito Federal region plus Formosa and Padre Bernardo municipalities; Presidente Olegário region - Presidente Olegário and Vazante municipalities; Serra da Canastra region - São Roque de Minas, Arcos and Pains municipalities; Cordisburgo region - Cordisburgo, Matozinhos, Sete Lagoas, Morro do Pilar, Monjolos and Lagoa Santa municipalities; Montes Claros region - Montes Claros, Coração de Jesus and Luislândia municipalities.

  Part of: Gallão JE, Bichuette ME (2018) Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment. ZooKeys 746: 1-23.