12–17 Cylindrogaster sp. 1 (female): habitus (12), spiny ridges (indicated by the blue arrowheads) on the mesothorax (13), wing base of the left hindwing (14), and genital regions (15–17) 18–21 Cylindrogaster sp. 2 (female): habitus (18), spiny ridges (indicated by the blue arrowheads) on the mesothorax (19), fustis of the left hindwing (20), and genital regions (21) 22 Cylindrogaster sp. (nymph): detail of cercus. Scale bars 3 mm for Figs 12, 18; 0.5 mm for Figs 13–15, 19–22; 200 μm for Figs 16, 17.

  Part of: Kamimura Y, Ferreira RL (2017) Earwigs from Brazilian caves, with notes on the taxonomic and nomenclatural problems of the Dermaptera (Insecta). ZooKeys 713: 25-52. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.713.15118