1-7 Cylindrogaster cavernicola Kamimura, sp. n. (male, holotype): habitus (1), head and thorax (2), tegmina and wings (3), penultimate sternite (4), ultimate tergite and forceps (5), and genitalia (6, 7)
8, 10 Cylindrogaster thoracicus (MM 3637; collected from Itatiaia, Brazil; det. W. D. Hincks): head and thorax (8), and genitalia (10) 9, 11 Cylindrogaster gracilis: head and thorax (9: MM 3677; collected from Itatiaia, Brazil; det. W. D. Hincks), and genitalia (11: MM 3565; collected from Minas Gerais, Brazil; det. W. D. Hincks). Scale bars 3 mm for Fig. 1; 0.5 mm for Figs 2-6, 8-11; 200 ?m for Fig. 7.