PCA and CVA results. A Centroid size graph of hind wing landmarks (Procrustes fit) BPCA results, the shape changes associated with the first three PCs: the relative size of the apical area which could be considered the main feature (variance contribution ratio was 45.01%) to influence of the overall variance of the hind wing, the changes of cross vein cv in the middle area (variance contribution ratio was 12.39%), and relative size of the anal area size (variance contribution ratio was 10.56%) CCVA results, the axis of CV1 and CV2 presented the first two large shape variance of all variance; points with different colours indicated different subtribes’ specimens; the ellipse is presented as an equal-frequency ellipse with a given probability level of 90%, which contains approximately 90% of the data points.

  Part of: Ren J, Bai M, Yang X-K, Zhang R-Z, Ge S-Q (2017) Geometric morphometrics analysis of the hind wing of leaf beetles: proximal and distal parts are separate modules. ZooKeys 685: 131-149. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.685.13084