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A new millipede-parasitizing horsehair worm, Gordius chiashanus sp. nov., at medium altitudes in Taiwan (Nematomorpha, Gordiida).
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Mattia De Vivo, Wei-Yun Chen, Jen-Pan Huang (2023)
Testing the efficacy of different molecular tools for parasite conservation genetics: a case study using horsehair worms (Phylum: Nematomorpha).
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Rachel J. Swanteson-Franz, Destinie A. Marquez, Craig I. Goldstein, Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Matthew Bolek, Ben Hanelt (2018)
New hairworm (Nematomorpha, Gordiida) species described from the Arizona Madrean Sky Islands.
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Shotaro Tani, Pamela Afi Tettey, Rion Maruta, Atsuya Kodama, Hidetoshi Saito, Koichiro Kawai (2024)
Host range differences between two species of freshwater horsehair worm (Nematomorpha: Chordiidae) Chordodes japonensis and C. formosanus in Japan.
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Mattia De Vivo, JenāPan Huang (2022)
Modeling the geographical distributions of Chordodes formosanus and its mantis hosts in Taiwan, with considerations for their niche overlaps.
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Morphological and molecular characterization of adult hairworms (Phylum Nematomorpha) from Iceland and the Faroe Islands, and documentation of their non-adult stages and hosts.
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DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4927.2.4
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