Annotated illustrations of cranial structures. Omomantis Saussure, 1899 ♂ head capsule A anterior view B dorsal view. Generalized mantis head capsule C oblique anterior view demarcating regions where cranial process can arise; colored triangles indicate approximate locations of cuticular projections: light gray triangle = fastigial process; black triangles = juxtaocular processes; blue triangle = vertical process; white triangle = postocellar process; yellow triangle = medial ocellar process; gray triangle = ocellar process. Various compound eye shapes (D–F): D approximately globular in Orthodera Burmeister, 1838 E Heterochaetasp. with a non-visual elongation F anteriorly elongate in Schizocephala bicornis Linné, 1758. Illustrations A–B by Josh Maxwell. Abbreviations: cs = coronal sulcus; ey = compound eye; fp = fastigial process; jop = juxtaocular process; mop = medial ocellar process; nve = non-visual elongation; op = ocellar process; pfs = postfrontal sulcus; pop = postocellar process; vp = vertical process.

  Part of: Brannoch SK, Wieland F, Rivera J, Klass K-D, Béthoux O, Svenson GJ (2017) Manual of praying mantis morphology, nomenclature, and practices (Insecta, Mantodea). ZooKeys 696: 1-100.