Trilacuna aoxian sp. nov., male left palp, SEM A, B, C prolateral, retrolateral and dorsal views D, E bulb, prolateral and retrolateral views F, G, I distal part of bulb, prolateral, retrolateral and dorsal views H detail of bulb, arrow shows the mucronate structure. Abbreviations: emb = embolus; spb = slender posterior branch. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (A–E); 0.02 mm (F–I).

  Part of: Tong Y, Shao Y, Bian D, Li S (2024) Two new oonopid spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest, Yunnan, China. ZooKeys 1205: 333-348.