Pectinaria torquata sp. n. paratype MBM240084. A lateral view of anterior body B ventral view of anterior body C tentacular cirri II D–F close-up of notochaetae from chaetiger 3 G, a notochaeta from chaetiger 5 H–J close-up of notochaeta from chaetiger 12 K uncini from chaetiger 12 Abbreviations: br, branchia; c4, chaetiger 4 (segment 8); cv, cephalic veil; op, opercular palea; pp, peristomial palp; s2 dpl, dorsal posterior lobe on segment 2; s2 vl, ventral lobe on segment 2; tc, tentacular cirrus.

  Part of: Zhang J, Qiu J-W (2017) A new species of Pectinaria (Annelida, Pectinariidae), with a key to pectinariids from the South China Sea. ZooKeys 683: 139-150.