A topotype collection localities in the Iberian Peninsula (southwestern Europe): S. viridipes topotypes (= S. oraniensis); V1 = Moixent and V2 = Xàtiva (previously San Felipe), Valencia province, Valencian Country/Community, Spain and S. chlorotes topotypes (= S. oraniensis); C1 = Málaga municipality, C2 = Alahurín de la Torre, C3 = Casabermeja, C4= Totalán and C5 = Estepona, Málaga province, Andalucía, Spain. The “O” points S. oraniensis type localities, O1 = Santon’s mountains [corrected from “Sauton” (sic.); Lucas 1846] and O2 = “Between Oran and Mers-el-Kebir”, Oran province (Wilayah), Algeria B “S. viridipes” topotype 2, female, (CEUAMr22) from C Moixent, Alacant D “S. chlorotes” topotype 6, female, (CEUAMr30) from E Alahurín de la Torre, Málaga.

  Part of: Doménech C (2024) Taxonomic and nomenclatural reassessment of the Iberian Peninsula’s nomina obscura, Scolopendra viridipes Dufour, 1820 and S. chlorotes L. Koch in Rosenhauer, 1856 (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae). ZooKeys 1208: 49-80. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1208.122126