Representatives of Scolopendromorpha from the Iberian Peninsula (uncollected) A family Plutoniumidae Bollman, 1893: Theatops erytrocephalus (C. L. Koch, 1847), Seoane do Caurel, Lugo (credit: J. Tizón) B family Cryptopidae Kohlrausch, 1881: Cryptops sp. Leach, 1814, Villena, Alacant (credit: D. Molina) C–I family Scolopendridae Leach, 1814 C Scolopendra cingulata Latreille, 1829, Benilloba, Alacant (credit: M. Huesca and CD) and D–I S. oraniensis Lucas, 1840. Observe that in this species the colour variants can occur sympatrically D, H, I Benilloba, Alacant and E–G Almeria Province, Andalucia (credit: F. Rodriguez Luque).