Belisana luxi sp. nov., holotype male A, B palp (A prolateral view B retrolateral view, arrow points at ventral apophysis) C, D distal part of procursus (C prolateral view, arrow 1 points at prolatero-distal membranous process, arrow 2 points at sclerotized dorso-subdistal apophysis, arrow 3 points at ventro-subdistal membranous process D retrolateral view). Abbreviations: b = bulb, ba = bulbal apophysis, e = embolus, pr = procursus. Scale bars: 0.10 (A, B); 0.02 (C, D).

  Part of: Zhang L, Wu Z, Li S, Yao Z (2024) Eight new spider species of Belisana Thorell, 1898 (Araneae, Pholcidae), with an updated overview of Belisana species from Yunnan, China. ZooKeys 1202: 255-286.