Morphological comparison between P. variabilis sp. nov. (left) and P. deformis (right) A long diameter of calice B number of septa per calice C number of septal reaching to columella D width of primary septa. Vertical bars indicate standard deviations, and the black horizontal line in the box-and-whisker chart indicates the median. ***: p<0.001.

  Part of: Kishi D, Nomura K, Nozawa Y, Arakaki S, Fukami H (2024) Paragoniastrea variabilis Kishi, Nomura & Fukami, sp. nov. (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia), a new coral species previously considered as a variant of Paragoniastrea deformis, from Japan and northern Taiwan. ZooKeys 1205: 205-222.