Paragoniastrea variabilis sp. nov. (Holotype: MUFS C588) and Paragoniastrea deformis (Holotype: MTQ G32487) A–H P. variabilis A colony in situ B close up of corallite division in two directions C close up the colony in situ D full scale of the skeletal specimen E corallite division in two directions from the skeletal specimen F corallites of the skeletal specimen G close up of one corallite of the skeletal specimen H septal teeth of the skeletal specimen I–J P. deformis I full scale of the skeletal specimen, J corallites of the skeletal specimen. Scale bar: 10 mm (D, E, F, I, J); 1 mm (G, H).

  Part of: Kishi D, Nomura K, Nozawa Y, Arakaki S, Fukami H (2024) Paragoniastrea variabilis Kishi, Nomura & Fukami, sp. nov. (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia), a new coral species previously considered as a variant of Paragoniastrea deformis, from Japan and northern Taiwan. ZooKeys 1205: 205-222.