Polyps of live corals representing different antipatharian families A Ameripathidae (Ameripathes pseudomyriophylla gen. et sp. nov.) B Myriopathidae (Myriopathes sp.) C Stylopathidae (Stylopathes sp.) D Stylopathidae (Stylopathes sp.) E Antipathidae (Antipathes atlantica Gray, 1857) F Aphanipathidae (Anozopathes sp. Opresko & Bo, 2021) G Schizopathidae (Bathypathes sp.) H Cladopathidae (Heteropathes sp.) I Leiopathidae (Leiopathes sp.). Photo credits: A, C, D (Schmidt Ocean Institute); B (M. Bo); E (S. Weinberg); F, G, H (NOAA/OER; I (P. Etnoyer).

  Part of: Horowitz J, Opresko DM, Herrera S, Hansel CM, Quattrini AM (2024) Ameripathidae, a new family of antipatharian corals (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Hexacorallia, Antipatharia). ZooKeys 1203: 355-375. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1203.121411