Hivanua tekao sp. nov. and a specimen that may be distinct, all from Nuku Hiva 15–18 H. tekao sp. nov. holotype, specimen d560 15 palp, ventral view 16 same, prolateral 17 habitus 18 face 19–22 H. tekao sp. nov. male, specimen IDWM.22075 19 palp, ventral view 20 same, prolateral 21 habitus 22 face. 23–26 H. cf. tekao, specimen d561 23 palp, ventral view 24 same, prolateral 25 habitus 26 face. Abbreviations: TmA, terminal apophysis; e, embolus. Scale bars: 0.1 mm for palps; 1.0 mm for bodies.

  Part of: Maddison WP (2024) Hivanua, a new genus of harmochirine jumping spiders from the Marquesas Islands (Araneae, Salticidae, Harmochirina). ZooKeys 1200: 215-230.