Variation in the metatibial apex. 19 Mesotibial apex of Lechriops vestitus illustrating parts of the tibial apex: a) posterior apical angle with large, curved uncus; b) middle of the apex with produced, rounded inner flange; c) anterior apical margin with premucro; d) oblique ridge of premucro; e) apical setal tuft 20 Male Trichodocerus brevilineatus [ARTSYS0000609] with a tibial uncus arising at the middle of the apex 21 Cratosomus punctulatus mexicanus [ASUHIC0031510] with thick fascicles of golden setae near the anterior apical margin and a dense setal brush at the posterior apical face 22 Pseudopiazurus centraliamericanus [ASUHIC0086627] with a large, subapical premucro 23 Piazurus laetus [SSAC0001077], showing a typical tibial apex for that genus 24 Acoptus suturalis [ASUHIC0016915] 25 Cylindrocopturinus pictus [SSAC0001288] with a pointed, premucro-like inner flange 26 Pseudolechriops klopferi [SSAC0001060] showing an elongate, uncus-like inner flange. 27 Arachnomorpha circumlineata [ARTSYS0000535] 28 Archocopturus medeterae [ASUHIC16884] 29 Cylindrocopturus adspersus [ASUHIC0016896] with a rounded, produced inner flange 30 Helleriella longicollis [ASUHIC0065241] with a very short uncus 31 Lissoderes cecropiae [ASUHIC0064707] with an elongate uncus and minute premucro 32 Phileas granulatus [ARTSYS0000528] with the middle of the apex (between uncus and premucro) sunken 33 Peltophorus adustus [ASUHIC0012325] with a short uncus and posterodistal setal comb extending halfway to the base of the tibia 34 Zygops erythropygus [ASUHIC0086640] with short posterodistal setal comb. 35 Philenis flavipes [ASUHIC0065102] 36 Philinna bicristata [ARTSYS0000799] with a small tooth at the anterior apical angle.

  Part of: Anzaldo SS (2017) Review of the genera of Conoderinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from North America, Central America, and the Caribbean. ZooKeys 683: 51-138.