Right anterior gonopod, medial view of distal portion of telopodite (left) and lateral view of distal portion of coxite process (right); cxp = coxite process, fl = posterobasal flange on telopodite, pg = prostatic groove, ps = pseudoflagellum, t = folded-over tab on coxite process, te = telopodite. Scale bars = 1 mm; dotted line indicates course of prostatic groove. A Amastigogonus orientalis sp. n., paratype ex QVM 23:54401 B A. peninsulensis sp. n., QVM 23:54474 C A. tasmanianus Brölemann, 1913, ex QVM 23:54469 D A. verreauxii (Gervais, 1847), TMAG J5915.

  Part of: Mesibov R (2017) Iulomorphid millipedes (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Iulomorphidae) of Tasmania, Australia. ZooKeys 652: 1-36. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.652.12035