Political and biogeographic map of Brazil, showing the spatial distribution of Photuris elliptica Olivier, which occurs in two different Brazilian continental biomes, the Mata Atlântica and Cerrado. Letters on the map correspond to Brazilian states. Abbreviations: BA, Bahia; DF, Distrito Federal; ES, Espírito Santo; GO, Goiás; MG, Minas Gerais; MS, Mato Grosso do Sul; PR, Paraná; RJ, Rio de Janeiro; SC, Santa Catarina; SP São Paulo

  Part of: Souto PM, Rosa SP, de A. Zampaulo R, Rivera SC, Pellegrini TG, da Silveira LFL (2024) Larval and adult morphology of Photuris elliptica Olivier (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) and a Halloweeny case of cave-dwelling firefly larva feeding on bat guano. ZooKeys 1203: 71-94. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1203.120341