Left male palp with removed tibia of Knoflachia kurilensis sp. nov. A separated tibia, inner surface B bulb and cymbium, ventral C same, proximal portion D same, distal portion (note ectal cymbial hood and mesial cymbial excavation). Scale bar: 0.1 mm if not otherwise indicated. Abbreviations: Ch – cymbial hood; Co – conductor; Em – embolus; Ma – median apophysis; Mp – posterior part of Ma; Pm – prolateral part of Ma; Ra – radix; Sb – cymbial small bulge; Ta – tegular apophysis; Te – tegulum.

  Part of: Marusik YuM, Eskov KY (2024) A new monotypic genus of cobweb spiders from the Russian Far East (Araneae, Theridiidae). ZooKeys 1195: 219-238. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1195.118632