Oscillograms of the calling song A–D, courtship songs E–H and frequency spectra I, J in Chorthippus macrocerus. Courtship songs are shown in males from Orenburg region E–F and from Georgia G–H. Song recordings are presented at three different speeds. In all oscillograms the two upper lines are recordings of hind leg movements and the lower line is the sound recording. Frequency spectra are shown in kHz for the courtship songs from Orenburg region I and from Georgia J.

  Part of: Vedenina V, Sevastianov N, Kovalyova E (2024) New data on bioacoustics and courtship behaviour in grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae) from Russia and adjacent countries. ZooKeys 1200: 1-26. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1200.118422