Oscillograms of the courtship song A–G and frequency spectra H, I in Chorthippus pullus. Courtship songs are shown in males from Ukraine A, D, F and Russia B, C, E, G. Song recordings are presented at three different speeds. In all oscillograms except B, G the two upper lines are recordings of hind leg movements and the lower line is the sound recording. Courtship song of one-legged male is shown in B, G. Frequency spectra are shown in kHz for the main echeme H and precopulatory sound I.

  Part of: Vedenina V, Sevastianov N, Kovalyova E (2024) New data on bioacoustics and courtship behaviour in grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae) from Russia and adjacent countries. ZooKeys 1200: 1-26. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1200.118422