Map of localities where the specimens were collected for the song recordings. 1–6: Chorthippus macrocerus; 7, 8: Chorthippus pullus; 9: Mesasippus kozhevnikovi; 10–13: Megaulacobothrus aethalinus; 14, 15 C. hammarstroemi; 16: Myrmeleotettix palpalis; 17, 18: Stenobothrus newskii. The localities of the same species are indicated by the same colour.

  Part of: Vedenina V, Sevastianov N, Kovalyova E (2024) New data on bioacoustics and courtship behaviour in grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae) from Russia and adjacent countries. ZooKeys 1200: 1-26.