Stylets of Hoplonemerteans of Bodega Bay A Amphiporus sp. BOBA024, individual BON61 B Amphiporus sp. BOBA018, individual BON16 C Amphiporus sp. BOBA017, individual B20 D Ototyphlonemertes sp. BOBA030, individual BON78 E Poseidonemertes sp. BOBA010, individual B14 F Tetrastemma nigrifrons, individual BON01 G Zygonemertes sp. BOBA012, individual B06 H Zygonemertes sp. BOBA014, individual B07 I Zygonemertes sp. BOBA013, individual BON76 J Zygonemertes sp. BOBA015, individual BON62 K Antarctonemertes phyllospadicola, individual BON67 L Nemertellina sp. BOBA011, individual BON69 M Oerstedia sp. BOBA022, individual BON32 N Eumonostilifera sp. BOBA016, individual B15 O Tetrastemma sp. BOBA020, individual BON75.