Top left: Map of the western provinces of Andalusia (Southern Spain) showing the geographic location (in red-filled circles) of the two known populations for T. cilbanus. Acronyms on map: SG (Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park, Cadiz), LA (Los Alcornocales Natural Park, Cadiz), SU (Sierra de la Utrera, Malaga). Right: maximum likelihood tree of Iberus. Values by nodes represent bootstrap values for the ML analyses (> 75%) and BI posterior probabilities (BPP = 1) (represented by yellow-filled circles) are shown for all major clades and for T. cilbanus and closely related taxa. T. cilbanus clade is shown in red.

  Part of: Jowers MJ, Liétor J, Tudela AR, Jódar PA, Galán-Luque I, Moreno-Rueda G (2024) Phylogenetic evidence suggests the non-validity of the Iberian land snail genus Tartessiberus and confirms its synonymy with Iberus (Helicidae). ZooKeys 1201: 219-231.