Palp of Longicoelotes kulianganus, specimen from Guling. A Prolateral view B Ventral view C Retrolateral view. CAT = anterior tip of conductor, CF = cymbial furrow, CO = conductor, CPT = posterior tip of conductor, E = embolus, EB = embolic base, MA = median apophysis, PA = patellar apophysis, ST = subtegulum, T = tegulum, TS = tegular sclerite, VTA = ventral tibial apophysis. Scale bar: equal for A, B, C.

  Part of: Zhang X, Zhao Z (2017) A new species of Longicoelotes (Araneae, Agelenidae) from China, with the first description of the male of L. kulianganus (Chamberlin, 1924). ZooKeys 686: 137-147.