A–C Opeas filiforme A lectotype SMF 227532 from Gulf von Siam: Samui-Inseln B, C specimen CUMZ 13074 from Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar D Paropeas swettenhami, syntype MNHN-IM-2000-38930 from Malacca E Paropeas tchehelense, syntype MNHN-IM-2000-38932 from Pérak, Mont Tchéhèl F Paropeas terebralis, syntype NHMUK 1888.12.4.1081 from Shan States, Burma G, H Paropeas turricula G syntypes NHMUK 1859.8.1.10 from Siam and H specimen CUMZ 13076 from Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar I–L Paropeas walkeri I syntypes UMZC I.103115.A from Andaman Island (after Preece et al. 2022: fig. 56e) J specimen NHMUK 1885.2.18.13–18 from Viper Id. Andamans K specimen CUMZ 13077 from Taunggyi Township, Shan State, Myanmar with embryonic whorls and aperture and L specimen CUMZ 13078 from Kalaw Township, Shan State, Myanmar with embryonic whorls and aperture. Photographs: V Gojšina & B Páll-Gergely (A), P Bourguignon (D, E).

  Part of: Man NS, Ablett JD, Lwin N, Sutcharit C, Panha S (2024) Contributions on a small collection of the former Subulinidae Fischer & Crosse, 1877 (Eupulmonata, Achatinoidea) with catalogue of the Glessula and Rishetia species recorded from Myanmar. ZooKeys 1208: 173-239. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1208.116083