Liphistius kaengkhoi sp. nov. male palp and vulva plate A–D ARA-2018-284 (holotype) palp A prolateral view B ventral view C retrolateral view D distal view E, F ARA-2018-286 (allotype) vulva plate E ventral view F dorsal view. Abbreviations: CDO = central dorsal opening; CT = contrategulum; Cu = cumulus; de = distal edge of the contrategulum; Em = embolus; GA = genital atrium; mm = millimeter; PC = paracymbium; PeP = paraembolic plate; PP = poreplate; PS = posterior stalk; RC = receptacular cluster; ST = subtegulum; T = tegulum; TiA = tibial apophysis. Scale bar: 1 mm.

  Part of: Sivayyapram V, Kunsete C, Xu X, Smith DR, Traiyasut P, Deowanish S, Aung MM, Ono H, Li D, Warrit N (2024) Seven new species of the segmented spider genus Liphistius (Mesothelae, Liphistiidae) in Thailand and Myanmar. ZooKeys 1189: 203-229.