Pholcus jiguanshan (A–C), P. phoenixus (D–F), P. yaoshan (G–I) A, D, G distal parts of procursus, prolateral views, arrows 1 indicate prolatero-subdistal sclerite, arrows 2 indicate ventro-subdistal apophysis, arrow 3 indicates angular proximal apophysis B, E, H bulbal apophyses, prolateral views, arrows 1 indicate median part, arrows 2 indicate strongly/slightly curved distal part C, F, I vulvae, dorsal views. Abbreviations: aa = anterior arch, e = embolus, pp = pore plate, u = uncus. Scale bars: 0.10 mm (A, B, D, E, G, H); 0.20 mm (C, F, I).

  Part of: Zhang L, Wang B, He Q, Yao Z (2024) A new species of the Pholcus phungiformes species group (Araneae, Pholcidae) from Liaoning, China, with identification keys to four closely related species. ZooKeys 1193: 171-179.