Perinereis kaustiana sp. nov. Parapodia and types of chaetae. All images are from the holotype (NTNU-VM-86011) A right parapodium, posterior view, chaetiger 9 B right parapodium, posterior view, chaetiger 46 C right parapodium, posterior view, chaetiger 96 D notochaetae: homogomph spiniger with lightly serrated blade, chaetiger 9 E neurochaetae, subacicular fascicle: heterogomph falcigers (centre) and heterogomph spinigers with lightly serrated blade (left), chaetiger 9 F neurochaetae, supra-acicular fascicle: homogomph spiniger with coarsely serrated blade, chaetiger 9 G neurochaetae, subacicular fascicle: heterogomph spiniger with lightly serrated blade, chaetiger 9 H neurochaetae, supra-acicular fascicle: heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 56 I posterior end, focused on chaetiger 97 and chaetiger 98. Abbreviations: DC, Dorsal Tentacular cirri; DL, Dorsal ligule; ML, Median ligule; NA, Neuroacicular ligule; VL, Ventral ligule; VC, Ventral Tentacular cirri. Scale bars: 250 μm (I); 100 μm (A–C); 10 μm (D–H).

  Part of: Teixeira MAL, Fourreau CJL, Sempere-Valverde J, Carvalho S (2024) Two new records and description of a new Perinereis (Annelida, Nereididae) species for the Saudi Arabian Red Sea region. ZooKeys 1196: 331-354.