Ungla stangei Tauber, sp. n. Male genitalia (teneral), (a) gonarcus, posterolateral (b) gonarcus and tip of S9, lateral (c) S8+9 ventral [Note sclerotized knob at tip of S9.] (d) gonarcal complex, dorsal g gonarcal complex gsac gonosaccus g.br. gonarcal bridge k sclerotized knob at tip of S9 mu mediuncus s.p. setose subanal plate (all: Bolivia, La Paz; a–c paratype, CAS; d holotype, CAS).

  Part of: Tauber CA, Sosa F, Albuquerque GS, Tauber MJ (2017) Revision of the Neotropical green lacewing genus Ungla (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). ZooKeys 674: 1-188. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.674.11435