Micro CT surface rendered (A) and 2D section (B–D) images of the entire body of Asteronyx loveni (NSMT E-6986). A oral view, section planes of figures B–D are shown by dotted tetragons B disc and basal part of an arm, horizontal section, a white arrow head indicates vertical crack of a dental plate, a black arrow head indicates the indistinct border of a 1st vertebrae and an oral plate C disc and basal part of an arm, vertical section of central disc D disc and basal part of an arm, vertical section of abradial disc. Abbreviations: AMD, adradial muscular depression; ABG, abradial plate; ADG, adradial plate; ASH, adoral shield; DP, dental plate; ES, external skin; LAP, lateral arm plate; OPL, oral plate; RNC, radial nerve canal; RS, radial shield; RWC, radial water canal; S, stomach; TO, tooth; V, vertebra; VAP, ventral arm plate.

  Part of: Okanishi M, Fujita T, Maekawa Y, Sasaki T (2017) Non-destructive morphological observations of the fleshy brittle star, Asteronyx loveni using micro-computed tomography (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Euryalida). ZooKeys 663: 1-19. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.663.11413