Forest plot of Cox proportional hazard analysis for Pissonotus paraguayensis A females and B males survival where hazard ratio (HR) > 1 means that exposure to the factor increases the rate of occurrence of the event (cavity lost), and HR < 1 decreases the rate. If the HR = 1 the factor does not influence survival (Kleinbaum and Klein 2012). HR are depicted by box symbols with confidence bands and parenthetical values representing 95% confidence intervals. The p values represent Wald test of significance and magnitude of significance is denoted with asterisks (*). AIC, Akaike information criterion. Small letters next to plant species indicate sectional classification of Ludwigia: a Jussiaea, b Macrocarpon, c Myrtocarpus based on Raven (1963) and Wagner et al. (2007).

  Part of: Marino de Remes Lenicov AM, Faltlhauser AC, Foieri A, Salinas NA, Hernández MC, Sosa AJ (2024) New morphological and biological contributions to adults and immature forms of Pissonotus paraguayensis (Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae) in wetlands of Argentina. ZooKeys 1188: 227-250.