Lype sagittalis sp. nov., male adult, holotype A genitalia, ventral B genitalia, dorsal C genitalia, left lateral D phallotheca apex, dorsal E phallotheca apex and segment X, ventral. Abbreviations: ste. IX = sternum IX; ter. IX = tergum IX; seg. X = segment X; sup. app. = superior appendage (paired); cox. = coxopodite (paired); har. = harpago (paired); pht. = phallotheca; aed. = aedeagus; sub. pro. aed. = subapical projection of aedeagus.

  Part of: Peng L, Deng Z, Zhang Y-h, Wang M, Sun C-h, Wang B-x (2024) Seven new species and four new records of Psychomyiidae (Insecta, Trichoptera) from China. ZooKeys 1188: 197-218.