Notaulax yamasui sp. n. Chaetae of thorax (A–E) and abdomen (G, H) drawn from SEM micrographs, and uncini (F, I), drawn under a dissecting light microscope. A–B collar chaetae C superior thoracic chaeta D inferior thoracic chaeta E companion chaeta, dorsal view F thoracic uncini G inferior abdominal chaeta, anterior abdominal chaetiger H inferior abdominal chaeta, posterior abdominal chaetiger I abdominal uncini. Scale bars 20 µm (A–C), 50μm (D), and 30μm (E–I).

  Part of: Nishi E, Gil J, Tanaka K, Kupriyanova EK (2017) Notaulax yamasui sp. n. (Annelida, Sabellidae) from Okinawa and Ogasawara, Japan, with notes on its ecology. ZooKeys 660: 1-16.