External morphology of genus Glossobalanus species A G. marginatus in Meek (1922) B G. mortenseni in van der Horst (1932) C G. crozieri in van der Horst (1924) D G. ruficollis in Willey (1899) E G. barnharti in Cameron and Ostiguy (2013) F G. hartmanae in Cameron and Ostiguy (2013) G G. minutus in Cameron and Ostiguy (2013) H G. alatus in van der Horst (1940) I G. berkeleyi. Photo from Swalla and van der Land (2024). Hemichordata World Database J G. polybranchioporus in Tchang and Liang (1965) K G. weii in this article.

  Part of: Fu X, Guo W, Ding Z, Zhou W, Wei F (2024) A new species of the genus Glossobalanus (Hemichordata, Enteropneusta, Ptychoderidae) from China. ZooKeys 1202: 343-358. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1202.111852