Histological characteristics of Glossobalanus weii sp. nov. A longitudinal section through the anterior proboscis B transverse section through the anterior proboscis C frontal section through the posterior proboscis and collar D transverse section through the anterior collar E transverse section through the posterior collar F transverse section through the hepatic region. Abbreviations: buccal diverticulum (bd); circular musculature (cm); epidermis (ep); glomerulus (gl); hepatic sacculations (hs); longitudinal musculature (lm); nerve cord (nc); proboscis cavity (pc); perihaemal diverticula (pd); proboscis skeleton (pk).

  Part of: Fu X, Guo W, Ding Z, Zhou W, Wei F (2024) A new species of the genus Glossobalanus (Hemichordata, Enteropneusta, Ptychoderidae) from China. ZooKeys 1202: 343-358. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1202.111852