Known distribution of Szeptyckitheca andrzeji sp. nov. and Szeptyckitheca cyanea sp. nov. in Brazil A National Forest of Palmares, in Altos municipality, Piauí state B Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state C National Forest of Nísia Floresta, in Nísia Floresta municipality, Rio Grande do Norte state. In A and C, the white line polygons delimit the sampled areas boundaries.

  Part of: Bellini BC, Oliveira MFD, Weiner WM, Nunes RC, Medeiros GDS (2023) Revisiting Szeptyckitheca Betsch & Weiner (Collembola, Symphypleona, Sminthuridae): new species, updated diagnoses, and a key. ZooKeys 1186: 139-174.