Characters of S7 of male Zonamegilla species, ventral view. The broadly oval head at the posterior end of S7 has a medial excavation in the dorsal surface laterally and a longitudinal elevation or ridge on the ventral surface. The excavation is carinate laterally and the sclerotisation between the carinae and the ventral ridge is usually thinner than the surrounding areas creating windows in the pigmentation. Most of the medial ridge is covered with short hairs which become longer and denser towards the middle of the head, creating a T- or Y-shaped brush. a apodeme b ventral ridge c posterior margin d medial ridge e apical projection f lateral carina of dorsal excavation g neck.

  Part of: Leijs R, Batley M, Hogendoorn K (2017) The genus Amegilla (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Anthophorini) in Australia: A revision of the subgenera Notomegilla and Zonamegilla. ZooKeys 653: 79-140.