Dorsal view of colour morphs within Petrolisthes galathinus, as designated by Hiller et al. (2006) a East Pacific morph, here resurrected as P. occidentalis Stimpson, male, Naos Island, Panamanian Pacific b P. galathinus “Spots”, male, Islas del Rosario, Colombian Caribbean c P. galathinus “White Teeth”, female (ov), Isla Cubagua, Venezuela d “White Teeth”, Roatán, Honduras, photo courtesy of M. Charteris e P. galathinus “Stripes”, male, Gulf of Morrosquillo, Colombian Caribbean. Scale bars: 1.65 cm (a); 0.71 cm (b); 1.36 cm(c); 1.35 cm(e).

  Part of: Hiller A, Werding B (2024) Description of a new species of the Petrolisthes galathinus complex from the Caribbean Sea, and resurrection of Petrolisthes occidentalis from the East Pacific (Crustacea, Anomura, Porcellanidae). ZooKeys 1191: 391-407.