Female reproductive organs of five new records of Lilioceris species in China 31 L. dromedarius, China (Hainan: Wuzhi Shan) 32 L. pulchella, China (Tibet: Mêdog) 33 L. semicostata, China (Tibet: Mêdog) 34 L. nepalensis, China (Tibet: Dinggyê) 35 L. unicolor, China (Yunnan: Yingjiang) A dorsal view B ventral view C spermatheca. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A–C).

  Part of: Xu Y, Liang H (2024) Three new species and five new records within the genus Lilioceris (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Criocerinae) from China. ZooKeys 1189: 55-81. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1189.111064