Comparison between the pronotal rugae and carinas of D. kuami and D. flora. Pronotum of D. kuami (A) and D. flora (D); rugae and carinas in the pronotal lateral part to the pronotal pit of D. kuami (B) and D. flora (E); rugae on the pronotum of D. kuami (C) and D. flora (F). Arrows in figures A, D indicate the enlarged parts in B, C, E, F. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

  Part of: Kim C-J, Tan J-L, Kim JK, Choi MB (2024) Confirmation of the valid specific status of Dolichovespula kuami Kim & Yoon, 1996 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) based on molecular and morphological evidence. ZooKeys 1196: 111-119.