Neotropical Cybistrinae species, metatarsal claws and tarsomere VI of males and females 15, 16 Cybister festae 17, 18 Cybister puncticollis 19, 20 Nilssondytes diversus 21, 22 Megadytes latus 23, 24 Megadytes parvus 25 species “IR57” (Ribera et al. 2008) 26, 27 Paramegadytes glaucus 28, 29 Metaxydytes fraternus. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

  Part of: Miller KB, Michat MC, Ferreira Jr N (2024) Reclassification of Cybistrinae Sharp, 1880 in the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera, Adephaga, Dytiscidae), with description of new taxa. ZooKeys 1188: 125-168.