Cranial venter and mouthparts morphology of Eburopone easoana sp. nov. workers, colony Eg17ix19-297, nontypes A scanning electron microscopic (SEM) photograph of cranium in ventral view, mandibles removed B transmission light microscopic (TLM) photograph of labrum in frontal view, partly focus-stacked to emphasize lateral labral processes on caudal surface C TLM photograph of right maxilla in ventral view, with maxillary palpomeres indicated by black arrows D TLM photograph of labium in oblique lateral view, left side, with labial palpomeres indicated by black arrows. Abbreviations: oc – occipital carina; ala – atalar acetabulum; hyt – hypostomal teeth; lbrp – lateral labral process; pgr – postgenal ridge.

  Part of: Yamada A, Nguyen DD, Eguchi K (2023) First discovery of the ant genus Eburopone Borowiec, 2016 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Dorylinae) in the Oriental realm, with description of a new species from Vietnam. ZooKeys 1184: 1-17.