Tetranemertes antonina A external appearance of T. antonina, after Bürger (1895) B central stylet of T. antonina after Bürger (1895). Tetranemertes antonina neotype (specimen: TR3-DR23, Museum ID: MNCN 5.02/28) C external appearance of living specimen and D head in transmitted light showing distribution and number of ocelli. Abbreviations: ae — anterior end, cg — cerebral ganglion, co — cerebral organ. Scale bars: 4 mm (C); 0.75 mm (D).

  Part of: Cherneva I, Ellison CI, Zattara EE, Norenburg JL, Schwartz ML, Junoy J, Maslakova SA (2023) Seven new species of Tetranemertes Chernyshev, 1992 (Monostilifera, Hoplonemertea, Nemertea) from the Caribbean Sea, western Pacific, and Arabian Sea, and revision of the genus. ZooKeys 1181: 167-200. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1181.109521