Voucher specimen of Habromys lophurus (USNM 569392) from which the mitogenome and ultraconserved elements were obtained in this study. This species may be identified by its crested tail and usually by the absence of a white underside of the tail. Currently, there are no pictures available of live individuals of this species. Photograph by Katie Sayers.

  Part of: Castañeda-Rico S, Parker LD, Sánchez E, Rivas-Trasvina S, Hawkins MTR, Edwards CW, Maldonado JE (2023) Novel genomic resources contribute to the systematics of threatened arboreal deer mice of the genus Habromys Hooper & Musser, 1964 (Cricetidae, Neotominae) within a neotomine–peromyscine phylogeny. ZooKeys 1179: 157-168. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1179.108759