Kodormus barberi, male 17–19 pronotum 17, 18 dorsal view 18 except humeral angles 19 central portion, lateral view, the arrow points to a tubercle of fore lobe 20–22 humeral prominences 20, 21 ventral view 22 dorsal view 23–25 scutellum and tubercle of metascutum 23 dorsal view 24, 25 lateral view 26 fore leg, lateral view. Abbreviations: s: apical tubercle of scutellum; m: tubercle of metascutum. Scale bars: 2.0 mm (17, 26); 1.0 mm (24); 0.5 mm (18–23, 25).

  Part of: Gil-Santana HR, Bérenger J-M, Oliveira J (2023) A new species of Kodormus Barber, with a redescription of the genus, taxonomic notes, and a key to the species of the genus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Stenopodainae). ZooKeys 1181: 265-298. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1181.108463