Cymbiapophysa falconi sp. nov. male holotype (AE-0005), palpal bulb (left hand side): A prolateral view B retrolateral view C dorsal view D ventral view. Abbreviations: A, apical keel; D, dorsal median depression; PI, prolateral inferior keel; PS, prolateral superior keel; PACK, prolateral accessory central keel; PAIK, prolateral accessory inferior keel; RI, retrolateral inferior keel; RS, retrolateral superior keel; ER, embolic ridge; PC, prolateral crease; PR, prolateral ridge; TH, tegular heel. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

  Part of: Peñaherrera-R. P (2023) Increasing knowledge of Cymbiapophysa Gabriel & Sherwood, 2020 (Araneae, Theraphosidae): general distribution, key to species, and three new species from Ecuador. ZooKeys 1178: 17-38.