Details of meliponine morphology A lateral habitus of worker of Scaptotrigona (Scaptotrigona) magdalenae Engel from Colombia B prolateral surface of metatibia and metarsus of Cephalotrigona zexmeniae (Cockerell) from Guatemala C retrolateral surface of metatibia and metarsus of C. zexmeniae from Guatemala D forewing of Wallacetrigona incisa (Sakagami & Inoue) from Sulawesi. Individual images from Engel (2022c), Engel et al. (2021a), and Rasmussen et al. (2017). All images M.S. Engel (used with permission).

  Part of: Engel MS, Rasmussen C, Ayala R, de Oliveira FF (2023) Stingless bee classification and biology (Hymenoptera, Apidae): a review, with an updated key to genera and subgenera. ZooKeys 1172: 239-312.