Parapodia A transverse dorsal lamellae (filled arrows) Ceratocephale setosa B flattened post-chaetal neuropodial lobe (filled arrow), accessory ventral cirrus (open arrow) anterior parapodium anterior view Ceratocephale setosa C cirrophore of dorsal cirrus enlarged and vascularised (filled arrow), acicular notopodial ligule present (open arrow) posterior parapodium anterior view Ceratocephale setosa D dorsal notopodial ligule (= accessory dorsal cirrus of some authors) (filled arrow) ventral neuropodial ligule (open arrow) Gymnonereis minyami chaetiger 34 anterior view E notopodial acicular process (open arrow) digitiform neuropodial postchaetal lobe (filled arrow) Neanthes tasmani chaetiger 30 anterior view (ventral cirrus missing) F notopodial prechaetal lobe (open arrow) digitiform neuropodial postchaetal lobe (filled arrow) Neanthes tasmani chaetiger 30 anterior view G dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (filled arrow) chaetiger 78 Alitta succinea USNM 27799 H dorsal notopodial ligule divided into branchiae (filled arrow) dorsal cirrus (open arrow) Dendronereides heteropoda chaetiger 19 anterior view I dorsal cirrus divided into branchial filaments (filled arrow) Dendronereis sp chaetiger 14 anterior view. Sources: A–D Hutchings and Reid (1990) E, F modified after Bakken (2002) G R. Wilson drawing H, I C. Glasby photographs. Abbreviations: anl, acicular notopodial ligule; dc, dorsal cirrus; dnl, dorsal notopodial ligule; pnl, prechaetal notopodial ligule; vnl, ventral neuropodial ligule; vc, ventral cirrus. Not to scale; maximum body width excluding parapodia of 3A specimen ~ 1.2 mm; for remaining figures acicula lengths in the range 0.1–0.4 mm.

  Part of: Wilson RS, Glasby CJ, Bakken T (2023) The Nereididae (Annelida) – diagnoses, descriptions, and a key to the genera. ZooKeys 1182: 35-134.