Comparison of species of Aphanipathes and Anozopathes: A Aphanipathes puertoricoensis sp. nov., yellow line indicates from where holotype fragment USNM 1660436 was collected B Aphanipathes puertoricoensis sp. nov. holotype collected fragment (USNM 1660436) C Aphanipathes pedata holotype (NHMUK 1843.2.6.105) D Anozopathes palauensis holotype (USNM 1007104) E Aphanipathes sarothamnoides part of holotype (NHMUK 1890.4.9.5) F polyps of Aphanipathes puertoricoensis sp. nov. holotype (USNM 1660436) G polyps of Anozopathes palauensis holotype (USNM 1007104).

  Part of: Horowitz J, Opresko DM, González-García MP, Quattrini AM (2023) Description of a new species of black coral in the family Aphanipathidae (Anthozoa, Antipatharia) from Puerto Rico. ZooKeys 1173: 97-110.